Monday, October 3, 2011

Kasumi (The Legacy of Pog)

Kasumi is the next character I want to highlight from the series.  A Kulsura warrior, who design was heavily influenced by old Native American culture with a little bit of Asian mixed in.  The head dress is the distinct characteristic of this race, with each piece having a story behind it.    

One of the oldest races on the planet, they have a long history with the Progen, both good and bad.  They are extremely crafty in terms of their surroundings.  They can make a tool out of anything, hunt anything and have a better connection to the animals on the planet than any other race or tribe.  I have a mini back story; I’m going to do about how she got her weapon, which is less dramatic than the story she tells.  Other than that she is going to be a character that I can play with more in terms of emotions.  Pog is a little more reserved with facial expressions, Kasumi is a character that lets it all hang out.    
Thanks for reading until next post......

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