Friday, November 11, 2011

Samurai Jack

Favorite cartoon network animated series from creator Genndy Tartakovsky.  I love how it tells stories through action not words. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The temptation of Jesus

The latest clay model I did was from the Bible, Luke 4: 1 - 30.  This was when the devil tempted Jesus for forty days.  This model was different from the other ones simply because I had two characters to model.  And the poses were more dynamic with them interacting with each other.  This is one that I love to keep working on slowly.  To really get as much detail as possibly in there as well as not wanting to deal with cracks that come from baking.  I did this one with a brand new set of steel craving tools, and with a more expense clay called Super Sculpey firm. 

"The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.  And he said to him,  "I will give you all their authority and splendor, for it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to.  So if you worship me, it will all be yours."

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only."

Thursday, November 3, 2011


With taking care of things with the family and looking at getting a second job I’ve been really busy.  I plan on posting a lot more content in the coming weeks on the progress on "Legacy of Pog" as well as a new project that is going to have a real serious tone to it.  As well as trying to look into getting a YouTube channel so I can start putting up animations and motion graphic work.  As always thanks for checking up on the posts.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Morg ("The Legacy Of Pog")

Once a powerful race of telepaths, for reasons unclear they were wiped out a long time ago.  The collected essence of the species has manifested into a single spiritual entity, that exists somewhere between this world and the next.  They possess a mysteries artifact that seems to be the last reminding thing of their species.  The reason for why they are here is still unclear.       

This one is still being fleshed out, but I like were its headed.  Morg is a character that really challenges the protagonist mentally and spiritually throughout the story.  I defiantly wanted to design him to have a strong presence whenever he appears in the story.  He has more insight than others to most of the events that take place in the story.  And has a way of invoking a feeling of despair and panic whenever he’s around.

Monday, October 3, 2011

3 year old Concept art (Concept Art)

Just more of my old Photoshop work from a couple of years ago.  Once I start up a new one I'll go step by step from start to finish.  Until then here’s some more of my work.  I don't claim to be the best at this stuff so please don't hesitate to critique.

Shadow Of The Colossus

Favorite game of all time, amazing visuals, gameplay, music and atmosphere makes this the game to point to if you ever need proof that video games can be art.

Backgrounds (Concept Art)

Here are some old digital paintings from back in the day that I did practicing different brush techniques.

Lions story

Always looking for opportunities to do illustrations for children stories, this was an old sample of some of the work I could do that I sent to a potential employer. 

Kasumi (The Legacy of Pog)

Kasumi is the next character I want to highlight from the series.  A Kulsura warrior, who design was heavily influenced by old Native American culture with a little bit of Asian mixed in.  The head dress is the distinct characteristic of this race, with each piece having a story behind it.    

One of the oldest races on the planet, they have a long history with the Progen, both good and bad.  They are extremely crafty in terms of their surroundings.  They can make a tool out of anything, hunt anything and have a better connection to the animals on the planet than any other race or tribe.  I have a mini back story; I’m going to do about how she got her weapon, which is less dramatic than the story she tells.  Other than that she is going to be a character that I can play with more in terms of emotions.  Pog is a little more reserved with facial expressions, Kasumi is a character that lets it all hang out.    
Thanks for reading until next post......

Saturday, October 1, 2011

clay maquettes

I like looking at how much detail other artists can achieve with their clay Marquette’s.  And when I see stuff like this it reminds me of what I can do if I plan my projects better.